Village Ordinances

Ordinances are numbered sequentially, with the first part of the number being the fiscal year during which the ordinance was either adopted or amended. Ordinances are grouped into categories below for easier researching. To view an ordinance click on the number.


Category Number   Description
 21-462Accept Donation of Pattison Property
 21-460Governing Body Meetings & Public Notice
 21-452Designating Kachina Vista Park
 21-447Support watershed designation
 21-420Amended 20-420 Resolution
 20-420Meetings & Public Notices
 20-419Meetings & Public Notices
 20-414Election 3-3-20
 20-410Records Retention policy
 20-403Designation location of polling place
 19-380Confirming The Continuation Of Municipal Elections To Be Conducted
 19-379Concerning Governing Body Meetings & Public Notice Required.
 19-364Adopting The Enchanted Circle Trails Plan
 18-351Regular Municipal Election On March 6, 2018
 18-350Concerning Governing Bocy Meetings & Public Notice Required
 21-465BAR Small equipment expense to apartments
 21-464BAR adjustment to water
 21-463BAR Transfer funds fy2021
 21-459BAR Booster station
 21-457Approval of FY2020 Final Audit
 21-456BAR Purchase, Disposing Obsolete Equipment
 21-455BAR NM outdoor recreation grant
 21-451BAR to carry forward Lodgers Tax
 21-450[BAR to Accept CARES funding
 21-445Approval FY2021 Final Budget
 21-443BAR adjusting Environmental
 21-441BAR WWTP adjustment
 21-440BAR pay off WWTP temporary bonds
 21-438BAR for Water Depreciation
 21-437Amended Budget Adjustment
 20-436BAR for Vlg Apartments
 20-432Budget adjust 2020 NMTRD
 20-424BAR Increase Lodger\’s tax fund
 20-423BAR Transportation project agreement
 20-422BAR transfer from Hold Harmless GRT
 20-421BAR Increase transfer to Kachina water tank
 20-416BAR adjustment FY 2019-20
 20-412BAR Booster pump – Kachina tank
 20-411BAR FY2020 Roads – TB & EB
 20-407BAR FY2020 Police complex driveway
 20-406BAR FY2020 GF upgrades to VTSV complex
 20-405BAR adjust. FY2020 Parks & Rec
 20-401Adopting FY2020 Final Budget
 19-399Permanent budget adjust FY2019
 19-383Requesting Permanent Budget Adjustmet Request To Add Collection
 19-382Approve Permanent Budget Adjustment To 2019 Addition Of New
 19-381Requesting Permanent Budget Adjustment To Invest Cd Interst Earned
 19-375Requesting Permanent Budget Adjustment To Fy2019 Funds From Road
 19-369Approve A Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy 2019 Capital Purchase Of
 19-368Requesting A Permanent Internal Budget Adjustment To The Fy 2018
 19-367Requesting Approval Of The Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget
 19-362Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy2019 Reinvest Back To Cd Investment
 19-361Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy 2018 The Cd That Matured In June &
 19-360Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy 2018 Land Purchase & Swap Eb Rd
 19-359Permanent Budger Adjustment Fy2018 Increased Engineering Expenses
 18-356Permanent Budget Adjustment To Acknowledge Bond Porceeds
 18-355Requesting A Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy 2018 Budget For An
 18-354Requesting A Permanent Budget Adjustment Fy2018 Sewer Fund (42)
 18-353Requesting Permanent Budget Adjustment To Update Debt Service
 18-349Permanent Budget Adjustment To Adjust The Beginning Fund Balance
 18-348Permanent Budget Adjustment To Cover The Bond Proceeds Wwtp
 21-449Establishing a Capital Improvements Committee
 21-446Adopt ICIP
 20-404Adopting 2021-2025 ICIP
 19-378Approving Vtsv 2019 Legislative Capital Improvement Priority Request
 19-370Adopting 2020-2024 Infrastructure & Capital Improvements Plan
 21-461Approving Legislative Improvements request
 21-458Grant Agreement for Capital Appropriations
 21-454Coop Agreement with NMDOT
 21-453Extension to NMDOT road program
 21-448Separate reserves KCEC underground electric
 21-444Approval 4th Quarter FY2019-2020
 21-442Contract for Twining Road Improvement evaluation
 21-439Contract foe excavation work in FY 2021
 20-431Update reserve fund for WWTP
 20-430Approve change of fund 07 to 77-50200
 20-427 FY2020-2021 Road Program
 20-426Acceptance & approval of FY2019 Audit
 20-425Building Permit fee schedules
 20-418Capital Improvements (ICIP) request
 20-417Disposal DPS eagle radar units
 20-415Agreement NMDOT & local gov road fund
 20-413NMDOT Assistance FY2020
 20-408Financial assistance NM water trust board
 20-402Approve Disposal of WWTP propane tank
 20-400Approve 4th Quarter 2018-2019 Financial report
 19-376To Approve Disposal By Donation Of Capital Equipment Consisting
 19-374Approval Of Disposition Of Capital Assets Three Military Vehicles
 19-373Approval Of Disposition Of Non Capital Assets At Tml
 19-366Approve 4Th Quarter Fy 2017-2018 Financial Report Fy June 30, 2018
 19-363Approving Financial Asst. From Nmsh & Trans Fy 2019 Rd Proj Sp-5-19
 18-357Approval Of Disposition Of Assets Aquired By Vtsv Upon Purchasing
 20-429Update personnel policy
 20-433Rename fire ems departments
 20-428Amended COVID Emergency
 20-409409 Enforcement parking, traffic on roads
 19-377Adopting Taos County Nm Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitgation Plan
 19-372Property At 20 Zaps Rd Unsafe Structures
 18-352Efforts To Increase Safety Of Vehicle Entering & Leaving Village Nmdo